Bile duct stones are rock formations found on the common bile duct. CBD stone can come from the gall blader then moved to the CBD, this is called secondary stones and the majority are cholesterol stones.
Gallstones are more common in women and risk factors include advanced age , obesity , high-fat diet and heredity .
Predisposing factors :
Gallstones are more common in women and risk factors include advanced age , obesity , high-fat diet and heredity .
Predisposing factors :
- Demographics northern Europe, North America and southern Asia is greater than the probability familiar, hereditary aspects.
- Obesity. Set and normal secretion of bile acids, but an increase in biliary cholesterol secretion.
- Weight loss. Mobilization of tissue cholesterol causes increased secretion of biliary cholesterol secretion while enterohepatic bile salts derived.
- Female sex hormones. Estrogen stimulates lipoprotein receptors in the liver increases the uptake of dietary cholesterol and increase biliary cholesterol secretion. Other natural estrogens and oral contraceptives lead to decreased secretion of bile salts.
- Disease or ileal resection. Bile acid malabsorption caused a decrease in the size of the collection of bile acids, decreased biliary secretion of bile salts.
- Increasing age. Increased biliary cholesterol secretion, decrease the size of the collection of bile acids, decreased biliary secretion of bile salts.
- Hipomotilitas gallbladder causing static and formation of dirt or feces. Prolonged parenteral nutrition, fasting, pregnancy, drugs such as okreotida
- Klofibrat therapy. Increased biliary cholesterol secretion
- Various kinds, regular DM, high-calorie diet, high-fat diet.