Nursing Diagnosis for Social Isolation

Isolation is a state in which an individual or group to experience or feel the need or desire to increase engagement with others but was unable to make contact (Carpenito, 1998)

Social isolation is a state of loneliness experienced by a person because of other people expressed negative attitudes and threatening (Townsend, 1998)

Social Response Range

Disruption of social relationships consist of:

Social isolation is a lonely condition expressed by the individual and perceived as being caused by others and as a negative situation threatening. With characteristics: living alone in the room, inability to communicate, withdrawal, lack of eye contact. Discrepancy or immaturity interests and activities with the development or the age. Preoccupation with his own thoughts, repetition, no meaningful action. Expressing feelings of rejection or loneliness caused by others. Experience a different feeling with others, feel insecure amidst the crowds. (Mary C. Townsend, Diagnose Kep. Psychiatry, 1998; case 252).

Damage Social interaction is a situation in which an individual participates in a quality that is not sufficient or excessive or quality of social interactions that are not effective, with characteristics:

Stated verbally or show discomfort in social situations. Stated verbally or manifest inability to receive or communicate a sense of satisfaction, attention, interest, or share stories. Looks using social interaction behaviors that did not work. Dysfunction interaction with peers, family or others. Excessive use of projection does not accept responsibility for their own behavior. Verbal manipulation. Inability to delay gratification. (Mary C. Townsend, Nursing Diagnosis Psychiatry, 1998; case 226).

Predisposition and Precipitation

predisposing factor is the failure to withdraw behaviors that can lead to the development of the individual are not confident, do not trust other people, afraid of doubt, despair about relationships with other people, away from other people, not able to formulate a desire and feel depressed.

precipitation factor of socio-cultural factors as declining family stability and split up because of death and psychological facto like parting with the nearest person or failure of others to rely, was by no means the client responds, causing the family to escape by withdrawing from the environment (Stuart and Sundeen , 1995).

Signs and Symptoms

Subjective Data:
Found difficult if the client refuses to communicate. Some of subjective data is the short answer questions, such as the words "no", "yes", "do not know".

Objective Data:
Observations made on the client will be found:
  • Apathetic, sad expression, blunted affect.
  • Avoid others (alone), the client appears to separate themselves from other people, for example at mealtime.
  • Communication is less / no. The client does not appear conversing with another client / nurse.
  • No eye contact, the client is more often down.
  • Silence in the room / place apart. Clients are less mobility.
  • Refusing to deal with other people. The client decides to go if invited to a conversation or a conversation.
  • Not perform daily activities. This means that self-care and household activities are not performed daily.
  • Fetal position during sleep.

Behavioral characteristics
  • Eating disorders: loss of appetite or overeating.
  • Body weight decreased or increased drastically.
  • Physical setbacks.
  • Oversleeping.
  • Staying in bed for a long time.
  • Many nap.
  • Less passionate.
  • Do not care about the environment.
  • Decreased activity.
  • Immobilisasai.
  • Pacing (attitude sculpting, doing repetitive movements).
  • Decreased sexual desire.
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