Acute Pain Nursing Diagnosis for Diabetes Mellitus

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Diabetes Mellitus - Acute Pain

Goal :

After nursing Interventions, increasing the comfort level of the client,
evidenced by:
  • Level of pain: the client may report pain in nurses, frequency of pain, facial expressions, and states of physical and psychological comfort, BP 120/80 mmHg, pulse: 60-100 x / min, respiration: 16-20x/menit
  • Control of pain, as evidenced by the client reported pain symptoms and control pain.

Nursing Interventions:

Pain Management:
  1. Perform a comprehensive pain assessment, including the location, characteristics, duration, frequency, quality and precipitation.
  2. Observation nonverbal reactions of discomfort.
  3. Use therapeutic communication techniques to determine the client's experience of pain before.
  4. Environmental controls that affect pain such as room temperature, lighting, noise.
  5. Reduce pain precipitation.
  6. Choose and pain management (pharmacological / non-pharmacological) ..
  7. Teach non-pharmacological techniques (relaxation, distraction, etc.) to overcome the pain.
  8. Give analgesics to reduce pain.
  9. Evaluation of pain reduction / control pain.
  10. Collaboration with the doctor if there are complaints about the administration of analgesics to no avail.
  11. Monitor client acceptance of pain management.

Analgesic Administration:
  1. Check program providing analgesic; types, dosage, and frequency.
  2. Check history of allergy.
  3. Determine the analgesic of choice, route of administration and optimal dosage.
  4. Monitor vital signs before and after the administration of analgesics.
  5. Give analgesics on time especially when pain appears.
  6. Evaluation of analgesic efficacy, side effects signs and symptoms.

  • Pain response is very individual, so the handling is different for each individual.
  • Therapeutic communication can increase the client's confidence so that nurses can be more cooperative in the pain management program.
  • A comfortable environment can help clients to reduce pain.
  • Transfer of pain with relaxation and distraction reduce pain being incurred.
  • Provision of appropriate analgesics can help clients to adapt and cope with pain.

  • Evaluative to pain management can be used as a reference for pain management that may arise subsequent or ongoing.
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