Disturbed Sleep Pattern NCP for Pleural Effusion

Disturbed Sleep Pattern NCP for Pleural Effusion
Nursing Care Plan for Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion is a health condition where the amount of excess fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity. This limits the ability of the lungs to grow and therefore the patient for breathing difficulties.

There is a thin layer of fluid between the lung and the chest wall, in the human body. This liquid is very important because it acts as a lubricant between the chest wall and the lungs when we breathe. Cavity or space between the chest wall and the lung, where it accumulates fluid, called the pleura, and the liquid is called pleural fluid. Abnormal increase in the amount of pleural fluid causes the chest wall separated from the lungs.

Possible signs of pleural effusion:
  • Emphasis on the lungs.
  • Chest pain (does not occur in all patients).
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Cough and fever with empyema (when pneumonia has caused effusion).
  • Hiccups.
  • Dyspnea (shortness of breath).

Nursing Diagnosis for Pleural Effusion  : Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to persistent cough and pleuritic pain.

Goal: There was no disruption of sleep patterns and needs are met rest-sleep.

  • Patients no shortness of breath,
  • patients can sleep comfortably without experiencing interference,
  • patients can sleep easily within 30-40 minutes and the patient rest or sleep within 3-8 hours per day.

1 Give the position as comfortable as possible for patients.
Rasonal: semi-Fowler's position or a pleasant position will facilitate the circulation of O2 and CO2.

2 Determine the motivation habits before bedtime in accordance with the habits of patients before treatment.
Rationale: Changing pattern that has become a habit before sleeping, will disrupt the sleep process.

3 Instruct the patient to relaxation exercises before bed.
Rationale: Relaxation can help overcome sleep disorders.

4 Observe the patient's general condition.
Rationale: Observations to determine changes in the patient's condition.
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