Physical Examination of Scoliosis

Physical Examination of Scoliosis

Physical Examination of Scoliosis, including:

a. Assessing the body's skeletal
The presence of deformity and alignment. Abnormal bone growth due to bone tumors. Shortening of the extremities, amputation and body parts that are not in anatomic alignment. Abnormal angulation of the long bones or motion at a point other than the joints usually indicate a fracture.

b. Assessing the spine
Scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine deviation)

c. Assessing the joint system
Extensive movement are evaluated either actively or passively, deformity, stability, and bruising, stiffness of joints.

d. Assessing the muscle system
The ability to change position, muscle strength and coordination, and the size of each muscle. Limb circumference to monitor the presence of edema or atrophy, muscle pain.

e. Examine how to walk
The existence of irregular movements are not considered normal. If one limb shorter than the others. A variety of neurological conditions associated with abnormal gait (eg walking spastic hemiparesis - stroke, how to walk a step - lower motor neuron disease, how to walk vibrate - Parkinson's disease).

f. Examine the skin and peripheral circulation
Palpation of the skin may indicate that the temperature is hotter or colder than the other and the presence of edema. Peripheral circulation was evaluated by assessing peripheral pulses, color, temperature and capillary refill time.
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