Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the inability to hold urine. This disorder is more common in women who have given birth than have never given birth (nulliparous). Thought to be caused by changes in the muscle and fascia of the pelvic floor. Most people with incontinence have suffered desensus front wall of the vagina along sisto-urethrocele. But sometimes encountered patients with total prolapse of the uterus and vagina with a good urinary continence.

In women, in general, urinary incontinence is stress incontinence, urine discharge means solely due to coughing, sneezing and all other movements and the rare presence of urge incontinence, which gained sudden desire micturition. This desire is so urgent that the restroom before the patient has been wetting pants sufferers. This type of incontinence is known as neuropathic disorder of the urinary bladder. Recurrent cystitis, as well as anatomic abnormalities that are considered as a cause of stress incontinence, urge incontinence may cause. Stress incontinence and is often found at the same insistence.

Nursing Diagnosis : Urinary incontinence related to degenerative changes in the pelvic muscles and the supporting structures connected elderly.

  • Showed urinary continence.
  • Adequacy of time to reach a small room between urgency and urine output.
  • Underwear stay dry all day.
  • Able to urinate on their own.
  • Urinary continence.
  • Maintaining the frequency of urination over 2 hours.

  • Perform pelvic floor muscle exercises.
  • Perform the treatment of urinary incontinence.
  • Identify the cause of incontinence is multifactorial.

  • Strengthen muscle contraction pubotogsigeal with recurrent volunteers.
  • To improve urinary continence and to maintain intregitas perineal skin.
  • To determine the cause of urinary incontinence.
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