NCP - Acne Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

Nursing Care Plan for Acne

1. Acute Pain / Chronic Pain related to the inflammatory process

  • Observation of the patient's pain level (0-10 scale)
  • Teach patient distraction techniques, relaxation
  • Give a comfortable position
  • Collaboration of analgesic

  • Knowing the degree of pain
  • Distraction, relaxation can help relieve pain
  • Provide comfort to the patient so as to reduce the perceived pain
  • Giving analgesics can help relieve the patient's degree of pain.

2. Disturbed Body Image related to the state of the wound

  • Observation meaning changes experienced by the patient.
  • Involve the family or significant others in care.
  • Note the withdrawn behavior: increased dependency, manipulation or not involved in treatment.

  • Knowing the patient's feelings about the situation and control his emotions.
  • Support the family and those closest to accelerate the healing process.
  • Alleged problems with that assessment may require further evaluation and more rigorous therapy.

3. Knowledge Deficit related to lack of information about the disease

  • Discuss about skin care, for example: use a moisturizer and sun protection.
  • Provide information about hygiene, disease prevention and treatment.
  • Emphasize the importance of evaluating treatments.

  • Improve self-care after discharge and independence.
  • Increase patients' knowledge.
  • Continue long-term support and therapy changes are needed to achieve optimal healing.

 4. Anxiety related to disability

  • Observation degree of patient anxiety.
  • Inform patients that the normal feelings.
  • Berkan physical comfort, environmental tenag and rest.

  • Knowing the patient's anxiety level so as to provide appropriate health information.
  • Understanding that the normal feelings can help patients improve some feeling of control emotions.
  • Sense of comfort to increase relaxation which helps reduce anxiety.

5. Impaired Skin Integrity related to damage to the skin surface

  • Observation, or write down the size, condition warnadan skin around the wound in fig.
  • Change positions frequently.
  • Give frequent skin care to prevent dry or moist.

  • Determine the development of the patient's wound and surrounding skin.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Going dry / humid may damage the skin and accelerate the damage.

Risk for Infection related to Acne
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